
Public consultation: Your voice matters!

Future of vocational education for the Service sector

Te Manu Arataki Leadership Project

Be part of building the pathway for the next generation of leaders

Reviews and Developments

Developing qualifications that are fit for purpose for industry

Waihangatia te Āmua Ao

Shaping the future of Service skills with cross-sector credentials

He rau hinengaro e tūtuki ai ngā moemoeā
He rau ringaringa e oti ai te mahi
He rau manawa e hīkina ai te oranga tangata
Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai tātou katoa

Kei ngā mana, kei ngā reo, kei ngā pari kārangaranga, nei rā te reo o mihi ki a koutou katoa kua hou mai ki te pae ipurangi o Ringa Hora.  Harikoa ana mātou i tō taenga mai. Nau mai, haere mai rā.

Our vision is:

Skills for life, wherever they take you

Nau mai! Haere mai! Welcome to Ringa Hora. We are a values based, people-centred organisation that serves Aotearoa by responding to the current and future workforce needs of the Service sector.

We give effect to our vision by:

  • Setting standards, developing qualifications and shaping vocational education to align with our industries needs
  • Ensuring appropriate vocational education programmes are being offered
  • Providing investment advice on behalf of our industries to inform and advise areas of need.

Welcome! We look forward to working together. Nāu te rourou, nāku te rourou, ka ora ai te tangata. Our collective contributions are to support the journey of our people.

Workforce Development Plan 2023

Workforce development plays a pivotal role in bolstering industry resilience, particularly in the face of recent extreme weather events and looming economic uncertainty. These challenges underscore the need for a skilled and adaptable workforce that can effectively navigate disruptions and contribute to the overall sustainability of industries.

Our 2023 Workforce Development Plan presents a high level summary of what’s top of mind for the Service sector – it complements the Individual Industry Action Plans to outline the actions we could take to strengthen the future workforce.

Who we serve


people employed by the Service sector in 2021 – over one-third of all workers in New Zealand.


per year to New Zealand’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by the Service sector, or just over 30% of the total GDP.


Service sector businesses in New Zealand, representing around half of all businesses in the country.

Most businesses within the Services sector are small businesses employing, on average, three people.

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