
Contact Centres and Industry Support Services

A contact centre can be the central point from where all customer interactions can be managed in a business. Contact centres are not the same thing as call centres. However, contact centres can offer a wide range of other services, such as chatbots, call-recording, automated and interactive voice responses, social media monitoring and speech analytics. In association with industry Ringa Hora develops and maintains qualifications and standards for Contact Centres, to allow staff to develop skills and gain recognition for their increasing competence.

Find a Contact Centre qualification

New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres (Level 3) (65 credits). NZQF Ref: 2303. Next review will be in 2028.

New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres (Level 4) (60 credits) NZQA Ref: 2304. Expiring in December 2024. 

Find a Contact Centre standard

Find a Contact Centre standard – Search for Service Sector > Contact Centres unit standards here:

Contact Centre Management

Contact Centre Operations


There are currently no qualifications under review. 


There are currently no standards under review.

2023 Review of the following qualifications was completed. Here is the link to the change report.

  • 2303 – New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres (Level 3)
  • 2304 – New Zealand Certificate in Contact Centres (Level 4)

2023 Review of 14 Contact Centres unit standards and development of 4 new skill standards has been completed. Here is the link to the May 2024 change report.

Ringa Hora work with industry, employers, professional groups, and other stakeholders to develop qualifications that are fit for purpose.  If you wish to be involved in any of the current or upcoming reviews, provide feedback, or have any questions, please email [email protected]

Call us

Auckland office

Level 1, Spaces 110 Carlton Gore Road Newmarket, Auckland 1023

Wellington office

49 Tory Street (ANZ Campus) Tower B PO Box 445 Wellington 6140