
Cleaning Services

Ringa Hora develops and maintains nationally recognised qualifications for cleaners, whether entry level or in specialist areas like healthcare facilities cleaning, carpet and textiles, contagion and specialised infection control, hard floor surfaces, food production and high-risk environments; and for Caretakers.

Find a Cleaning or Caretaking qualification

The Laundry Processing and Drycleaning qualifications can be found here:

New Zealand Certificate in Laundry Processing (Level 2) with optional strand in Washroom Procedures Ref: 2431 Due review 2029

New Zealand Certificate in Drycleaning (Level 3) Ref: 2430 Due review 2023

New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 2) with optional strand in Health Care Facilities Cleaning (40-45 credits) Ref: 2316 Due review 2025

New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 3) with optional strands in Specialist Cleaning, and Supervision (40-45 credits) Ref: 3025 Due review 2025

Find a Cleaning or Caretaking standard

Search for Service Sector > Cleaning and Caretaking unit standards here:

Carpet and Textile Cleaning Due review 2026

Cleaning Services Administration Due review 2026

Cleaning Skills Due review 2026

Health Sector Cleaning Due review 2027

Specialist Cleaning Environments Due review 2026


New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 2) with optional strand in Health Care Facilities Cleaning is due to be reviewed from March 2024. For more information refer to the review page.

New Zealand Certificate in Cleaning (Level 3) with optional strands in Specialist Cleaning, and Supervision is due to be reviewed from March 2024. For more information refer to the review page.


The New Zealand Certificate in Laundry Processing (Level 2) with optional strand in Washroom Procedures was reviewed with new version issued. Here is the link to the February 2024 New Zealand Certificate in Laundry Processing (Level 2) with optional strand in Washroom Procedures change report on the NZQA website.

New Zealand Certificate in Drycleaning (Level 3) has been reviewed and is no longer required by industry and will expire with no replacement. Here is the link to the October 2023 New Zealand Certificate in Drycleaning (Level 3) change report on the NZQA website.

Cleaning New Zealand qualifications at Level 2 and 3 were reviewed with new versions issued. Here is the link to the February 2020 Review of NZ Cleaning qualifications change report on the NZQA website.

New Zealand Certificate in Caretaking (Level 3) has been reviewed and is no longer required by industry and will expire with no replacement. Here is the link to the July 2022 Review of NZ Caretaking qualification change report on the NZQA website.


2023 Review of Specialist Cleaning Environments Unit Standards has been completed. Here is the link to the change report on the NZQA website.

Cleaning and Caretaking: October 2021 Review of Cleaning and Caretaking unit standards change report. 21 Service sector cleaning and caretaking standards in four domains were reviewed by Career force May-June 2021.

Unit standards 3447, 3455, 3459, 28274 and 28275 were requested for an extension to their last date of assessment (LDA). NZQA has now approved the extension. More information can be found in the May change report here.


Ringa Hora work with industry, employers, professional groups, and other stakeholders to develop qualifications that are fit for purpose.  If you wish to be involved in any of the current or upcoming reviews, provide feedback, or have any questions, please email [email protected]

Call us

Auckland office

Level 1, Spaces 110 Carlton Gore Road Newmarket, Auckland 1023

Wellington office

49 Tory Street (ANZ Campus) Tower B PO Box 445 Wellington 6140