
Tuia 2023

The evolving future of Māori in the Service sector

Tuia te here tangata, Tuia te here kaupapa

Our inaugural Tuia event was an incredible mix of learning, sharing, and memorable moments – thanks to the insights of our speakers and panellists, the participation of the kaimahi Māori and pākihi Māori from across our Service sector, and the generosity of our sponsors!

Check out the highlight video and photo gallery, and access the presentations from our expert speakers.


“Having five simple points to personify Whakawhanaungatanga was powerful and relevant to my current work context.”


“Everyone was awesome, Matua Wairangi got me with the ‘make a connection’ and acknowledge the pepeha that came before you!”


“Congratulations! This was THE best conference I have been to for a long time… Thanks for the learning Ringa Hora!”


“Soaking up the mātauranga, basking in the aroha. I am loving it”



“Having rangatahi and experienced practitioners’ voices in the panel provided a very good cross-section of viewpoints, learnings and implementation methods”


“The kōrero in the hui, showed and validated how I feel in a pakihi Pākehā and that I’m not alone. Gave hope for my tamariki.”

Ngā mihi nui to all our presenters

OPENING ADDRESS  Hinerangi Edwards, Ringa Hora Council Chair  
OPENING SPEAKER Liz Mellish, Chair of Palmerston North Tenths Māori Reserve Trust, Te Raukura, Te Wharewaka and Deputy Chair FoMA. Download presentation
KEYNOTE SPEAKER Wairangi Jones, founder Tira NZ and Cultural Advice Specialist. Download presentation
PANEL DISCUSSION Facilitated by Hinerangi Edwards

  • Bianca Elkington, General Manager Education and Employment, Te Runanga o Toa Rangatira.
  • Jamie Williams, former CEO Star Hospitality Group, award-winning business extraordinaire
  • Taylor Ramsbottom
  • TK (Te Karanga O Te Tui Marino)



Alice Dimond, Tokona Te Raki


Using social innovation to achieve equity in education, employment, and income for Māori.

Download presentation
WĀNANGA SESSION What does the Workforce of Aotearoa look like in 2040?

An engaging and thought-provoking session co-facilitated by Tokona Te Raki and Ringa Hora.

  • Skills are going to be a valuable currency for the future workforce.

What types of skills will be valuable to the 2040 workforce in Aotearoa?

See our summary graphic below
BEING A KAITIAKI OF SELF Wyndi Tagi, Co-founder of WE Mana; Business Coach; Co-Chair for Manukau Institute of Technology Rūnanga, and Board Member for The Australia New Zealand Leadership Forum (ANZLF) Indigenous Women’s Business Network Download presentation



Dan Te Whenua Walker, Global Co-Chair of Indigenous at Microsoft, Deputy Chair of NZ Māori Tourism, and Ringa Hora Council Member.


What does the Workforce of Aotearoa look like in 2040?

We asked pākihi Māori and kaimahi Māori who attended Tuia to imagine a future for rangatahi in 2040. How will things like disruptive weather, demographic shifts and digital disruption shape this future?

The insights gathered helps to inform the ‘Future of Work 2040’ project, an Ohu Ahumahi and Tokona te Raki partnership in which we anticipate the needs of our 2040 workforce in order to better plan how we get there. Tuia 2023 was one of three co-design workshops covering:

  1. Industry
  2. Rangatahi and
  3. Skills & qualification providers.

The Future of Work 2040 project data collection wraps up November 8th and the report is expected at the end of December. If you want to get involved please contact us.

The future our attendees imagined is captured in our infographic:

With the increase in adverse weather events, whānau have moved inland or into higher ground. Whānau also choose to live multi-generationally, almost reminiscent of hapū living with the strengthened wider community best able to respond to the new changes. Most jobs are now automated meaning rangatahi are able to work within their wider communities and support their friends and whānau more.

Our thanks to our sponsors