
2023 Review of Intelligence Qualifications

Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council has reviewed the suite of Intelligence qualifications and submitted them to New Zealand Qualification Authority (NZQA) for evaluation/Quality Assurance in May 2024.

We have engaged with the sector and obtained feedback to inform the review, and changes have been made to ensure they remain current and fit for purpose. The main changes proposed to the qualifications as a result of the review are:

  • The New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Level 5) with strands in Collection, and Collation [ref: 2394] will have a new title and new qualification ID as The New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Information Management) (Level 5). The new qualification broadens out the focus to information management for intelligence purposes. The strands have been removed to have a focus on both collection and collation under information management. Credits for the new qualification is 60 credits.
  • Some changes made to credit distribution and weightings of Graduate Profile Outcomes of The New Zealand Diploma in Intelligence Analysis (Level 6).
  • Programme endorsement considerations have been added.
  • Minor wording changes for clarity.
  • Updating of references to resources and relevant legislation.

Following sector consultation on the draft reviewed qualifications, an application was submitted to NZQA for evaluation and approval in May 2024. Once approved the new versions of the qualifications will be published on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).


Submitted reviewed qualifications for evaluation are available here:

New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Introduction to Intelligence) (Level 3)

New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Information Management) (Level 5) to replace New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Level 5) with strands in Collection, and Collation

New Zealand Diploma in Intelligence Analysis (Level 6)

Participation and feedback  

If you would like to contact us regarding the above project, or if you wish to be included in our email network, please email [email protected]