A high degree of interest in the possibility of education credentials for employment advocates has resulted in Ringa Hora scheduling a second hui on the topic.
The first online hui on the topic, on 10 December, was extremely well attended and has prompted the scheduling of a second event on 4 February.
The second event is aimed primarily at those who couldn’t attend the first hui and will largely cover the material that was addressed at the first hui, but anyone who attended the first session is welcome to attend again.
These hui have been scheduled after industry members identified an opportunity to consider development of education specific to employment advocacy, which would help create standards of practice and provide a recognised pathway into employment advocacy.
An employment advocate can represent somebody during an employment dispute in New Zealand. Employment advocates are frequently lawyers, but they do not have to be. There are currently no legal requirements for someone wishing to be an employment advocate.
The hui will discuss whether credentials should be created. These could be a qualification, standard, or some other measure.
The aim is to ensure high standards of employment advocacy, and to strengthen the confidence that members of the public have in their advocates.
Anyone who would like to attend is invited to register at the link provided below. We would love to see you there.
Employment Advocacy Hui, 4 February, 1pm | Register now |