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Hui aims to get more Māori off the ground into aviation industry 
Hui aims to get more Māori off the ground into aviation industry 
  Some of the biggest names in the aviation industry gathered in Tauranga on May 28 to help pilot better pathways for Māori into aviation. ...
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Quality Assurance Sector Summary now available
Quality Assurance Sector Summary now available
The moderation function of Ringa Hora is a quality assurance activity that benefits industry, providers and ultimately ākonga. It ensures ākonga have met the required...
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Review of the Service sector’s Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR 0112) completed
Review of the Service sector’s Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR 0112) completed
The Ringa Hora Quality Assurance team recently completed a high-level review of the Service sector’s Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR 0112). The review was approved...
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Review of Aviation Consent and Moderation Requirements Complete
Review of Aviation Consent and Moderation Requirements Complete
The Ringa Hora Quality Assurance team recently completed a high-level review of the Aviation industry’s Consent and Moderation Requirements (CMR 0028). NZQA has approved the...
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View our Q&A with QA Post moderation webinar
View our Q&A with QA Post moderation webinar
PUBLISHED 27/06/23 This webinar follows on from the pre moderation session. We look at why we moderate, the completed assessment, best practice processes, and how...
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View our Q&A with QA Pre-moderation webinar
View our Q&A with QA Pre-moderation webinar
This webinar session will help you understand the pre-moderation process and what Ringa Hora requires. We explore what our Quality Assurance team require to ensure...
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Our 2023 National External Moderation Plan is available
Our 2023 National External Moderation Plan is available
PUBLISHED 21/12/22 The plan provides a quality assurance outline of how we see the process and has been created from guiding principles developed by Ohu...
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