Updated 18 February 2025
Ringa Hora is currently working with Zeducation and The Cause Collective to develop two Micro-credentials for Entrepreneurship. The Level 3 Micro-credentials will be module-based and designed to stack into the new New Zealand Certificate in Leadership (Level 3). Ringa Hora collaborated with the teams from Zeducation and The Cause Collective to ensure that the new products were aligned with The Cause Collective’s BOSS programme.
The BOSS programme (bridging, opportunities, skills and success) targets Pacific and South Auckland rangatahi between the ages of 16 – 30 years of age who are wanting to or currently exploring entrepreneurship. It is focused on empowering young people with the tools, skills and knowledge to navigate the business world through the different stages of business by way of six theory-based modules and 3 pastoral modules.
These modules are:
We are proposing two new micro-credentials that are stackable towards the New Zealand Certificate in Leadership (level 3) (currently submitted to NZQA for review).
Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council is inviting your consideration and feedback on the two Level 3 Entrepreneurship Micro-credentials. Feedback should be sent to [email protected].
The below timeline is a high level view of indicative dates for each stage of development. All dates are subject to change.
Stage 1 – Background (Oct-Dec 24)
Stage 2 – Draft micro-credentials (Dec 24-Mar 25)
Stage 3 – National consultation on draft micro-credentials (Mar-Apr 25)
Stage 4 – Submit applications to NZQA (Apr 25 onwards).
A micro-credential is a small, stand-alone credential which provides a way to recognise a learner’s abilities while meeting demand from employers, industry, and communities.
The intent behind them is to create sub-qualification sized learning that is meaningful to employers, and valuable and transferable for learners.
Although they’re stand-alone awards, some micro-credentials may also form part of a programme that leads to a qualification.
For further information see Micro-credentials :: NZQA, and to search for Micro-credentials, search the NZQA Register of NZQA List of Approved Micro-credentials. See Micro-credentials – Ringa Hora