Government, Security & Defence Services includes central and local government, the justice system, defence forces, and security services.
This report summarises the findings from the Ringa Hora Quality Assurance focus on security providers during 2024. The purpose was to gain an understanding of the current delivery and assessment of security training, and to establish if improvements can be made for delivery of security unit standards, with a primary focus on the Certificate of Approval (CoA) unit standards.
SECURITY QUALITY ASSURANCE FINDINGS 2024The Security Industry Action Plan looks at the current state of the industry and its workforce and the challenges coming in the next few years.
Security Industry Action Plan 2024The Workforce Development Plan looks across the Service sector and sets out the major factors shaping the sector and an overarching vision for the future.
Workforce Development Plan 2023The Security Workforce Action Plan focuses on the characteristics and dynamics of the industry and its workforce. They describe what the future could look like for the workforce, the current challenges faced by the industry, and sets out the actions we can take to tackle this wero | challenge.