
First qualification, skill standards for Future of Service Skills project approved

Ringa Hora’s Future of Service Skills project has its first qualification and skill standards available to training providers. 

Our discussions with industry showed there was a demand to create a stackable group of standards and credentials which can be used across the Service sector: core skills such as customer service, communication, problem solving, and technology. 

Two Level 3 (entry level) skill standards were developed as part of this project, one relating to core customer service and another to teamwork and safety:

These are now available on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework. Also approved is the New Zealand Certificate in Service Sector Skills (Level 3) with Optional Strand in Service Specialty [Ref 5025], a 40-60 credit qualification.

These came about as there were more than 28 existing entry-level Service credentials across a variety of industries. Industries let us know there was room for a smaller number of core generic service skills which could be applied across the sector. 

“People can use them everywhere in Services: contact centres, retail, security, and tourism,” Ringa Hora Qualifications and Quality Assurance manager Te Oho Reedy says. 

“They are written in such a way that they don’t just focus on a couple of our sectors, they could be used by anyone requiring customer service or teamwork and health and safety.” 

There is still plenty to come from this project. A draft micro-credential is currently under peer-review due for submission to NZQA. Both standards and micro-credentials are set to fit into a new proposed cross-sector qualification and some existing qualifications. Over time, the new credentials may replace existing credentials. 

Download diagrams outlining how our proposed credentials stack together, and the draft concepts.