New micro-credential development for entrepreneurship
Two new entrepreneurship micro-credentials for a programme aimed at Pacific and South Auckland rangatahi is open for public feedback.
Since October 2024, Ringa Hora has worked with Zeducation, The Cause Collective (TCC) and Lifeskills to develop two micro-credentials for entrepreneurship – Introduction to Entrepreneurship (Level 3) and Entrepreneurship to Leadership (Level 3). The project was initiated after Zeducation and TCC wanted to provide the learners of their BOSS programme with formal recognition for their skills and knowledge. The Level 3 micro-credentials will be module-based and designed to stack into the New Zealand Certificate in Leadership (Level 3) (currently submitted to NZQA for review).
What is the BOSS programme?
The BOSS programme (bridging, opportunities, skills and success) targets Pacific and South Auckland rangatahi between the ages of 16 and 30 who want to or are currently exploring entrepreneurship. It is focused on empowering young people with the tools, skills and knowledge to navigate the business world through the different stages of business through six theory-based modules and three pastoral modules.
To bring our Entrepreneurship micro-credentials to life, the process we’ve followed has included:
Building rapport and trust: We’ve invested time in building trust and rapport with our industry partners, Zeducation and The Cause Collective, so that we can work together in a positive, supportive way. When there’s trust, everything flows more smoothly.
Inclusivity and stakeholder involvement: This project has links to the Business & Professional portfolio, Te Manu Arataki project, and our Pacific transformation work, so we’ve aligned projects and timelines. National consultation is now underway, with feedback on the drafts of the entrepreneurship micro-credentials open until April 4. We want to ensure everyone has a chance to have their say, creating an environment of inclusion and respect.
Staying true to the BOSS programme: We’ve kept a constant check to ensure the micro-credentials align with the outcomes of the BOSS programme. Regularly checking in with our providers to ensure they’re happy with our direction helps us stay true to the programme’s spirit.
Creating something that works for learners: Ultimately, the goal is to create a product that fits the needs of the target learners—Pacific and South Auckland rangatahi. By keeping their needs in mind throughout the development process, we’re making sure these micro-credentials will be relevant, useful, and empowering.
Following processes with integrity and transparency: A key focus for us is to ensure our industry, community and providers’ needs are heard, respected, and that these micro-credentials are a true reflection of their voices.
We are excited to be in the final stages of development of our two entrepreneurship micro-credentials, and invite all industry members to provide feedback.