
Image of Bridget Grave

Bridget Grave

Transformation Manager

Ko Mākeo te maunga
Ko Waiaua te awa
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Ōmarumutu te marae
Ko Ngāti Rua te hapū
Ko Te Whakatōhea te iwi
Tihei mauriora.

Raised in tourism, it provided me with a natural pathway into the industry. Awarded a full scholarship, I was able to complete my studies in Tourism, Travel, and Business. After a brief start to my working life, I decided to head across the ditch for two years to “check it out”! Seventeen years later, I had carved a career in both travel and education with a natural and key focus on relationship management.

Returning to Aotearoa, I continued my pathway in the vocational education sector and completed my Masters in Māori and Indigenous Leadership.

My initial role as Māori Transformation Lead was a significant draw card to Ringa Hora. Being supported and empowered to drive initiatives and engagement for Māori across the Service sectors saw an alignment between my values and those of Ringa Hora. Progressing into the role of Transformation Manager widened my scope and included an amazing team of kaupapa-driven superstars who advocate for Māori, Pacific, Tangata Whaikaha, Rangatahi and career pathways.

What role can Ringa Hora play in making the industry better? What achievements of Ringa Hora are you most proud of?

As an independent entity with a broad scope of functions, Ringa Hora can genuinely support the industries we represent. In the transformation space, we have been able to advocate for the representation of our priority groups in qualifications development, investment advice, and alleviating their industry voice. Most important have been the successes through our skills leadership function in supporting and connecting areas across our sectors from iwi, communities, providers, and rangatahi to create solutions that grow our future workforce and industries.