If you are interested in contributing to the development or review of qualification(s) or standard(s) with Ringa Hora, your options include joining a Steering Group, Working Group, or Consultation Group.
Steering Groups provide guidance and expertise on the strategic direction for development, project updates and main orders of business. They set direction for credential development, approve draft credentials created by Working Groups, and have a general oversight role. It is important to note that not all projects will require a Steering Group.
The Steering Group will be expected to:
We request that members:
A Steering Group can be brought together across a three-month period. The frequency of meetings is determined by the group members themselves, but they could meet once a month at a minimum.
Frequently they involve:
Steering group members cover their own costs for travel, transport, accommodation, and meals. Ringa Hora covers costs for catering during in-person meetings and the hiring of the meeting venue.
If you have any queries about Steering Groups please email [email protected].
Working Groups provide guidance and expertise in the development or review of qualifications and standards by Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council.
Members of these groups have an important role as they ensure the qualifications and standards under review will produce graduates that have the skills and attributes that are needed when they move into the relevant workplaces.
Working Groups are formed after Ringa Hora has received feedback during the initial Expression of Interest stage of the review.
Each working group member will:
Industry members will fill the majority of the working group; so, for example, if there are five members, three will be industry representatives and the remaining two likely from training providers.
The Working Group will be expected to:
The Working Group members will share expertise and liaise with:
We request that members:
A working group can be brought together across a three-month period. The frequency of meetings are determined by the group members themselves, but they could meet once a month at a minimum.
Frequently they involve:
Working group members cover their own costs for travel, transport, accommodation, and meals. Ringa Hora covers costs for catering during in-person meetings and the hiring of the meeting venue.
Qualifications and standards are developed in accordance with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) Guidelines for listing New Zealand Certificates at Level 1-6 and New Zealand Diplomas at Levels 5-7 on the New Zealand Qualifications and Credentials Framework (NZQCF).
The guidelines for listing include information about review processes and registration of Skill Standards on the Directory of Skill Standards (DASS).
Ringa Hora will also be developing/reviewing the qualification(s)/unit standard(s) in line with our four pou | pillars that cement our Te Tiriti o Waitangi framework. Our four pou | pillars are:
If you have any queries about Working Groups please email [email protected].
If you don’t have the time to join a working group but are still interested and want to stay involved, you may want to join a Consultation Group. Members of this group will be invited to provide feedback on draft versions of the reviewed qualifications and standards.
The Consultation Group will:
If you wish to join a consultation group please email [email protected]