
Consultation on the Review and Development of Leadership Qualifications

Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council has reviewed generic leadership qualifications, and now invites your feedback on the proposed changes to the qualifications by 8 November 2024.  


As part of Phase 3 of the Te Manu Arataki project, working groups, consisting of industry and education providers, contributed towards the review and development of the suite of leadership qualifications.  


The main changes proposed as a result of the review are: 

Level 3 

Current qualification: New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) (Level 3) [Ref: 2453]  

New qualification: New Zealand Certificate in Leadership (Level 3)  

  • The Strategic Purpose Statement better reflects the introductory leadership skills focus of the qualification. 
  • The qualification has a broader focus beyond team leadership to be able to develop leadership skills to contribute to objectives, organisations, teams, project, and communities.  
  • Graduate Profile Outcomes better reflects the strategic purpose of the qualification.   
  • 6 Graduate Profile Outcomes have been reduced to 5.  
  • The education pathway has been expanded beyond business qualifications to better reflect the entry and exit points, and that leadership is required and relevant to all sectors.   
  • Conditions for Programme have been added to give guidance to education providers.  
  • The significant changes therefore require a new title and a new qualification to replace the New Zealand Certificate in Business (Introduction to Team Leadership) (Level 3). The title of the new qualification will be New Zealand Certificate in Leadership (Level 3) 


Level 4 


New Qualification:  New Zealand Certificate in Leadership (Level 4)  


  • This is a brand-new qualification, but the New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4) was used as a guide.  
  • It was decided by the working group that a new qualification that focussed on people leadership was needed, and the current New Zealand Certificate in Business (First Line Management) (Level 4) focussed on management processes which didn’t meet the leadership needs we had consulted on.  


Level 5 

  • It was decided by the working group to separate the strands of leadership and management.  
  • Leadership has enough to cover in the diploma to be able to stand on its own and the Graduate Profile Outcomes have been written to reflect operational leadership competencies.  
  • Conditions for Programme have been added to give guidance to education providers.  
  • It is in line with the generic leadership suite of credentials.  

*Please find leadership strand Graduate Profile Outcomes attached. The full qualification is still currently undergoing review. 


Level 6  

New Qualification: New Zealand Diploma in Advanced Leadership (Level 6)  

  • This will be a new qualification on the NZQCF.  
  • The leadership strand in the New Zealand Diploma in Business (Level 6) will be removed and there will be a brand-new diploma at Level 6 titled the New Zealand Diploma in Advanced Leadership (Level 6) which focuses on strategic leadership. 
  • New Graduate Profile Outcomes were developed to align to the strategic purpose of this qualification.  


Your participation in this consultation is invited 

Your thoughts and feedback on the proposed changes are welcomed, particularly about any key changes such as credit values, and changes to the outcomes and qualification specifications.

Please send your feedback and email to [email protected] by 8 November 2024.  

Once we have received feedback, we will incorporate any changes into the qualifications and seek signed stakeholder attestation before we submit to NZQA for evaluation.   

We look forward to receiving your views so we can finalise the proposed changes and submit the reviewed qualification to NZQA for Quality Assurance at the end of November 2024.  

We are happy to add people to the email network at any time. If you wish to be included in the email network or have any questions, please email [email protected] 


Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council, Qualifications Systems Products Team 

For more information on what informed the process, please find links to the environmental scan and the summary of engagement findings.