
Future of vocational education for the Service sector

Decisions have been released on changes in the vocational education and training system

The Minister of Tertiary Education and the Government have released their decisions regarding the redesign of the vocational education and training system – following the recent consultation process.

The implications for Workforce Development Councils (WDCs), in particular, are:

  • The standard setting functions currently delivered by WDCs will be taken over by Industry Skills Boards.
  • To ensure the design meets the needs of industry, a targeted consultation will take place on two work-based learning options.
  • Information on these options has been provided to industry bodies and the targeted consultation process is now underway and closes on 21 February 2025 at 5pm.
  • WDCs will continue to operate in the interim.

FAQs about the transition to Industry Skills Board for industry members and education providers can be found here.

Amplifying industry voice is an essential part of WDCs; we will work with the industry in the New Year to ensure that this voice and opinions are actively sought and involved in the future. We will continue to do this as we transition into the new structure.

We have greatly valued the trusting relationships that we have built to date and know that we can count on your support as we manage this transition together.


Why it’s happening

The Government wants to restore regional decision-making for local institutions to ensure they can better respond to the education needs of their communities, bring a sharper focus on what industry needs, and make sure the system is financially viable.


So, what does this mean for me?

The Government is seeking further input on how work-based learning should be structured, with targeted consultation on two options now underway.

Ringa Hora will continue to deliver our functions, carry out our mahi, and engage with industry and training providers until further decisions have been made and/or the new Industry Skills Boards are operational.

We will continue to update you as we know more.


Background information

In 2024, the Government proposed changes to the vocational education and training system in New Zealand. These proposals included options to replace Te Pūkenga and Workforce Development Councils, and make changes to vocational education funding from 2026 to support the new system. Feedback on the proposed changes was gathered from industry members to inform Cabinet decision making.

As part of the consultation process, Ringa Hora made a submission that was informed by the views of the Service sector.

We want to acknowledge the considerable time that industry took to engage with us, the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and Ministry of Education (MoE) around this proposal. These conversations and the feedback provided through industry submissions have helped inform our perspectives. We also want to acknowledge the submissions developed by Te Kāhui Ahumahi, Pacific Fono and Hāpaitia.

We want to acknowledge your contributions to our Ringa Hora mahi to date. Your time given to us is precious, not only for the value you add but because it takes you away from your business and people. This is a crucial opportunity for you and others in the sector to influence workplace training and career progression for years to come.

Let’s build a better VET system together.

We look forward to hearing from you if you have questions or feedback about the consultation process.