
Māori succeeding as Māori

Māori succeeding as Māori

Māori success is fundamental to the success of the Service sector. Māori business is thriving, Māori culture is increasingly being embraced, and Māori are experiencing strong population growth and making up a larger share of the young workforce. In this context, creating an environment where Māori succeed as Māori will benefit individuals, businesses, and the Service sector as a whole.

Laying the platform for success starts with whānau and hapū, and it is then up to the education system to enable the talent Māori learners were born with.

We take a broad view of “success” for Māori. Traditional measures of success focus on engaging in and completing tertiary education and gaining meaningful employment. However, success should also include the development of the mana, health, and wellbeing of the individual and, even more widely, the collective mana, health, and wellbeing of iwi and the Māori community.

In the workplace, success for Māori can be thought of broadly and include employment that is mana-uplifting for both individuals and communities, business practices which are founded on genuine partnership, and making Mātauranga Māori part of the unique identity of our sector.

A document about the actions of Ringa Hora.

Putting this into action

Transformational change in the Service sector workforce will take time but to achieve that change, we need to start taking action now. Download our action plan which includes the key areas of focus, medium-term actions and short-term initiatives.