
2024 Review of Financial Services Professional Practice Unit Standards

Consultation on the 2024 Review of Unit Standards to develop skill standards

Updated 22 January 2025   

Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council has developed skill standards to replace unit standards listed on the NZQA Directory of Assessment and Skill Standards (DASS) in Financial Services- Professional Practice and now invites your feedback on the proposed skills standards by Monday 17th February 2025. The current unit standards are available here [Domain – Financial Services – Professional Practice].  

We engaged with the sector to work with a review panel to inform the development of skill standards to replace existing unit standards and to recommend development of skill standards to fill any gaps identified by the panel. 

Below are the skill standards for your feedback.  

Core standards 


Investment strand  


Life, Disability, and Health Insurance strand 


General Insurance strand  


Residential Property Lending and Personal Lending strands  


Residential Property strand only 



The main changes proposed as a result of the review are: 


  • Overall, thirteen Unit standards have been set to expire.  

Four Unit standards aligned to the Trustees Services strand were expired due to these standards not being awarded since their listing.  

Five Unit standards on the six-step advice process that were aligned to Investment, Life, Death, Disability and Health Insurance, General Insurance, Residential Lending, and Personal Lending were expired and incorporated into the skill standards.  

Four Unit Standards that were aligned to the Core qualification of the New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5).  These have been replaced with new skill standards linked to the Core qualification.  

  • Five Unit standards that are aligned to the Banking strand of the qualification have been reviewed with changes made to legislation. It was decided not to develop skill standards for the Banking strand due to low usage of the unit standards and the providers who have awarded standards were informed.  
  • Three New skill standards were written. Two skill standards are aligned to the Core of the qualification New Zealand Certificate in Financial Services (Level 5). One skill standard was developed for General Insurance strand.  


Proposed for Expiry – Category D 

Unit Standard  Title  Level   Credits 
28389  Demonstrate the administrative responsibilities required under a trustee appointment  5  5 
31855  Demonstrate and apply knowledge of financial services legislation, good conduct, professionalism, and Six Step Process  5  10 
31856  Demonstrate and apply knowledge of the financial services sector to provide financial advice solutions  5  8 
31857  Demonstrate and apply knowledge of key factors in the economic environment to provide financial advice solutions  5  7 
31858  Interpret and explain provisions in the regulatory framework in a financial advice services context  5  10 
31864  Provide advice in an investment context using the Six Step Process  5  5 
31869  Provide advice in a life, disability, and health insurance context using the Six Step Process  5  5 
31874  Provide advice in a general insurance context using the Six Step Process  5  5 
31879  Provide advice in a residential property lending context using the Six Step Process  5  5 
31882  Provide advice in a personal lending context using the Six Step Process  5  5 
31888  Gather and analyse information to determine client trustee services needs  5  7 
31889  Demonstrate and apply knowledge of trustee products and services to meet client needs  5  8 
31890  Provide advice in a trustee services context using the Six Step Process  5  5 


Your participation in this consultation is invited 

Your thoughts and feedback on the proposed skill standards and proposal to expire unit standards are welcomed. Please send your feedback via email to [email protected] by 17 February 2025  


We look forward to receiving your views so we can finalise and submit the proposed skill standards to NZQA for Quality Assurance in February 2025 


We are happy to add people to the email network at any time. If you wish to be included in the email network or have any questions, please email [email protected] 


Ringa Hora Services Workforce Development Council, Qualifications Systems Products Team