
Government, Security and Defence Services

Ringa Hora develops and maintains the qualifications and standards with the overarching goal to be strategically relevant to New Zealand people and communities and their aspirations. New Zealand’s state sector is diverse and high-profile, and the nature of local government agencies means they hold a huge amount of responsibility.

Public Sector

Ringa Hora develops and maintains qualifications and standards for the Public Sector. These qualifications and standards include state sector and local government which will equip learners for a wide range of roles in Government.

Find a Public Sector qualification

New Zealand Certificate in Public Sector Practice (Level 3) (40 credits) Ref: 3635 Expired December 2023.

New Zealand Certificate in Public Sector Service Delivery (Level 4) (80 credits) Ref: 3636 Expired December 2023.

New Zealand Certificate in the Use of Data and Statistics for Policy Development (Level 5) (50 credits) Ref: 3637 Expired December 2023.

New Zealand Certificate in Public Sector Management (Level 5) (70 credits) Ref: 3638 Expired December 2023.

New Zealand Diploma in Public Sector Leadership (Level 6) (120 credits) Ref: 3639 Expired December 2023.

New Zealand Certificate in Case Management (Practice Leadership) (Level 6) (80 credits) Ref: 3631 Expired December 2024.

New Zealand Certificate in Case Management (Level 5) (80 credits) Ref: 3630 Due review 2027.

Find a Public Sector Services standard

Search for Business > Public Sector Services standards here:

Case Management Due review 2027

Public Sector Core Skills Due review 2025

Public Sector Management Expired 2023

Public Sector Māori Due review 2025


There are no current qualification reviews.


There are no current unit standard reviews.

2023 Proposal to expire Compliance & Regulatory Unit Standards will expire 31 December 2024. Here is the link to the change report on the NZQA website.

2023 Review of Public Sector Core Skills standards

2022 Review of Case Management – Qualifications (2) and Standards (13)

  • The Level 5 and 6 Case Management qualifications [3630 and 3631], with the Level 6 qualification proposed to expire December 2024. Here is the link to the October 2022 change report on the NZQA website.
  • 13 Case Management Standards. Here is the link to the October 2022 change report on the NZQA website.
  • 5 Qualifications – Level 3 (3635), Level 4 (3636), Level 5 (3637, 3638) and Level 6 (3639) have been reviewed and will expire 31 December 2023.

2022 Review of Public Sector Core Skills standards


Ringa Hora develops and maintains qualifications and standards for security professionals who play a vital role in protecting the public and making sure everyone has a good time.

Find a Security qualification

New Zealand Certificate in Security (Foundation) (Level 3) (60 credits) Ref: 3642 Due review 2028.

New Zealand Certificate in Security (Intermediate) (Level 4) (60 credits) Ref: 3643 Due review 2028.

New Zealand Diploma in Security (Level 6) (120 credits) Ref: 3644 Due review 2028.

Find a Security standard

Search for Law and Security > Security standards here:

Security Management Due review 2025

Security Staff Services Level 4 Review Due 2025. Level 3 Due review 2028/2029/


There are currently no qualification reviews.


There are currently no standards reviews.

2024 Review of 3 Security Certificate of Approval (COA) unit standards and development of 3 new skill standards has been completed. Here is the link to the August 2024 Change Report.

2023 Review of 10 Security Staff Services unit standards and development of 4 new skill standards has been completed. Here is the link to the March 2024 change report on the NZQA website.

2023 Review of 3 Security Qualifications has been completed. Here is the link to the April 2023 change report on the NZQA website.



Currently there is a requirement within the CMR 0003 specific to unit standards 27360 and 27361 that is no longer applicable due to the transfer of standard setting responsibilities from Skills Org to Ringa Hora.  Therefore, until such time that a full review of all of Ringa Hora’s CMRs can be undertaken an interim ruling is in place.

Appendix 2 of CMR 0003 (Security Sector requirements for consent to assess under Criterion 6 Staff selection, appraisal and development) requires that organisations with Consent to Assess these two-unit standards must have policies and procedures to ensure that staff involved in delivery of training and/or assessment:

  • Attend and successfully complete a Skills-recognised training and assessment course;
  • Maintain currency and provide evidence of up-skilling in best practice in conflict management in a security context through attendance and successful completion of a Skills-recognised refresher course every two years.

As Skills is no longer the standard setting body, this requirement around attending Skills-recognised courses is no longer applicable. As part of the planned CMR review, Ringa Hora will consider whether or not to include a similar course requirement or alternative such as a formalised credential requirement. Stakeholders will be invited to provide feedback on this at that time

In the interim organisations will still need to ensure staff are suitably trained to deliver training in managing conflict situations and their currency is maintained.

Intelligence and Regulatory Compliance

Ringa Hora develops and maintains qualifications and standards for the Armed Forces and Defence and their civilian staff who also protect the public.
These qualifications and standards include Intelligence and Regulatory Compliance which will equip learners for a wide range of roles in Government.

Find an Intelligence or Regulatory Compliance qualification

New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Introduction) (Level 3) Ref: 2392 Due review 2024.

New Zealand Certificate in Intelligence (Level 5) with strands in Collection, and Collation Ref: 2394 Due review 2024.

New Zealand Diploma in Intelligence Analysis (Level 6) Ref: 2396 Due review 2024.

New Zealand Certificate in Regulatory Practice (Core Knowledge) (Level 3) Ref: 2774 Due review 2025.

New Zealand Certificate in Regulatory Practice (Operational Knowledge) (Level 4) Ref: Ref: 2775 Due for review 2025

New Zealand Certificate in Regulatory Practice (Operational Practice) (Level 4) Ref: 2776 Due review 2025.

New Zealand Certificate in Regulatory Practice (Level 5) with strands in Audit, Inspection, and Investigation Ref: 2777 Due review 2025.

New Zealand Diploma in Regulatory Investigations (Level 6) Ref: Ref: 2778 Due for review 2025.

Find an Intelligence or Regulatory Compliance standard

Search for Compliance and Law Enforcement and Public Sector Compliance standards here:

Intelligence Analysis Due review 2026

Compliance and Regulatory Control Due review 2026

Public Sector Compliance Investigations Due review 2026

Public Sector Compliance Operations Due review 2026


There are no current reviews of Intelligence or Regulatory Compliance qualifications.


2024 Review of Intelligence Analysis Unit Standards and Development of Skill Standards

2023 Review of Intelligence Qualifications

2023 Proposal to expire Compliance & Regulatory Unit Standards will expire 31 December 2024. Here is the link to the change report on the NZQA website.

2022 The last date of assessment (LDA) of New Zealand qualifications in Intelligence [2392, 2394 and 2396] was extended to 31 December 2024. Here is the link to the change report on the NZQA website.


Ringa Hora WDC works with industry, employers, professional groups, and other stakeholders to develop qualifications that are fit for purpose.  If you wish to be involved in any of the current or upcoming reviews, provide feedback, or have any questions, please email [email protected]

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Level 1, Spaces 110 Carlton Gore Road Newmarket, Auckland 1023

Wellington office

49 Tory Street (ANZ Campus) Tower B PO Box 445 Wellington 6140